How Far Have We Reached
9 weeks have passed since DKU Moves Program started, we are excited to share our members’ active engagement and achievements in session 1 of this Fall semester:
As of October 28th, 64 of you are on the way from Hangzhou to Wuhan, and we are pleasantly surprised that 3 of you are on the way from Wuhan to Changsha now! Congratulations!
180 of you have earned more than 100 points, which means you can join the lucky draw station happening every other Thursday in AB lobby! Next session is on this Thursday, November 10th.

Meet DKU Moves Winners
Rebecca Liu, Assistant Director of UG studies, received the title “Fitness star” which is a representation of the member who has the most attendance in Open Fitness classes. Rebecca joined 31 Open classes in session 1 in total. “I didn’t face many challenges participating in these classes.” she stated. One of the reasons was the flexible timing. After finishing her all-day work at 5:30, she still has 15 minutes in between to get trained and wrap up unfinished emails when the class starts at 5:45 pm. The gym is a two-minute walk away from the office so that’s a much more convenient location.

“The coaches are very professional.” They offer instructions that participants like Rebecca can follow easily. Her exercise habits are also relevant to her experience. She joined DKU in Oct 2015 when she was a second-year graduate student in the master program. After June 30th, 2016, she officially joined DKU. She can’t be more familiar with DKU campus and sports facilities. So that fitness classes can lie in her schedule smoothly. However, she considers the biggest challenge to turn to her recent life is the change of mindset. “You have to make exercise part of your life”. It was a little bit hard at first, but after 2-3 months, she observed it, and people around her respected that.
Rebecca mentioned that she most favors in DKU Yoga class which is offered on Fridays evening. She appreciates the coach’s well instructions on the postures and explanations of how these movements can benefit our body. Going to that class every Friday has helped her body to relax and off-loaded the pain in her back and neck which are a result of the stressful workload. Besides, Rebecca shared some advices on how to balance her workout schedule and work, which she tends to be very “focused on work during work time, and exercise when it comes to exercise”. She describes exercising as a happy virus that not only removes her discomfort but also recharges her body to do more work. To encourage undergraduate readers to work out, Rebecca told a story of suffering severe pain in the back when she was a graduate student and had to get treatment regularly. From that time, she understood the importance of health. “If you do not have a healthy body, you won’t be able to contribute to work”, said Rebecca. Thanks to Rebecca’s dedication, friends around her has been inspired by her usual use of Nike’s slogan: “Just do it.” Just do it, just do exercise to maintain good health.

Jay Shen recently received the “session winner” award at the end of session 1, which is represented by participants who actively engage in open classes, recreation events, or personal training in that session. Memorizing his first glance of DKU Moves, it was a random glance of a WeChat group, one of Athletics staff shared this program. He felt the idea of cyber traveling is interesting and joined right away. Talking about any difficulties while participating in the program, he said “I didn’t face any challenges. It’s just simple and easy to report”.
Jay states that his favorite sport is running. Partly because it’s the simplest exercise that he can do without much training, as running is a basic body function. Besides, during running, he enjoys listening to Podcasts or other audio content on the runs, otherwise, he will just think and reflect on certain things that are on his mind. According to Jay, playing sports keeps us healthy and fit, which in turn makes us feel good and energetic. It’s also a great habit that he’s managed and encouraged people around to develop.
As many members are curious about how Jay maintains his workout habits and what a general day of his looks like, he shares: “I get up at 5:30 am and then run for about 1.5 hours five to six times a week. Then I have a quick breakfast before sending my kids to school and drive or take DKU shuttle to work.” Being a dad with two kids, he wants to spend more time and attention to them. Therefore, he spends his evenings with children and schedule exercises in the early mornings so that he could clearly separate exercise, work and family engagements. Speaking of his major achievements in exercise in the past, Jay humbly discloses to have run 9000 kilometers since he started running 4 years ago. He hopes to keep it up as long as he could. Finally, he highlighted that “I Move, We Move, DKU Moves.”. This is a slogan that keeps coming back whenever encouraging DKUers to get moving.
Who we are
DKU Moves is a project funded by DKU Athletics to advocate for daily exercise among all our community members. Participants, including both on-campus and remote students, are invited to record their exercise, including personal exercise, PE courses, club events, and open classes, through our online platform.
What we do
We quantify your exercise in the form of calories and turn calories into miles so that you can find out how far you can reach from the weekly personalized exercise log we provide through email and our WeChat public account.
We have a reward system for all participants to exchange the points they gained for a variety of prizes and we also launch bi-weekly themed activities to encourage participants to take part in diverse exercises.