“Maximum efficiency, Minimum effort”

Rolling, crawling, falling, throwing…that’s how a number of student would describe this new class offered in DKU – Judo. However, once you get a hold of the basic techniques and step up to the real battle field, you will realize that Judo is not a fight about strength.

The Player

How would you like to be treated on court?
Yanfei Mao, a senior student majoring in global health, and most importantly, the first captain of DKU women’s basketball team answers this question, “I don’t want to be regarded as a female player. I only want to be a player. When I am standing on the basketball court, I am simply a player, a player who is ready to conquer all the combat, conflicts, and even the possible danger.” Yanfei fell in love with

Running into the year of Tiger

Have you started moving after your feast over Lunar New Year break? What’s your fitness resolution for the year of tiger? 15 DKUers have joined the first 5K Park Run on campus this semester on February 12th, some came to exercise and make new friends while others were here to push their limits. Beilong Tang’25 […]

DKU Sailing Club

Starting this spring DKU Sport Clubs will be stronger for one more member – DKU Sailing Club. Athletics has developed a partnership with Sail Global based in Wujiang on Tai Lake, Suzhou, to support our new club. Sailing Club members will have access to several types of sailing boats, certification courses provided by American Sailing […]

Outdoor adventure with Athletics

On January 21, 20 DKU students joined Athletics on a hiking trip from Lingyan Mountain to Baima Jian scenic – a classic hiking route named “Ling Bai route”. Lexi Fu, class of 2022 is one of them. Her first flag going into 2022 is to have a more energetic year and she certainly had a […]